Question of the Week

Are there things you do in your life to try to be a more sustainable consumer?


I try to leave the smallest footprint I possibly can. Anytime I can bring my own utensils somewhere, bring my own water bottle, recycle, all the classic kinds of stuff. I'm kind of generic. [Laughs]

Generic works!

It adds up! [Laughs] I am the classic "leave the campground cleaner than you found it," and I put that into every space I'm in.


I feel like one of the most important things is to buy locally sourced meat and dairy from farms that I trust. I think it's critical to care for our animals and to make sure the processes of raising them are regenerative rather than destructive to the Earth. I also personally find it critical that they aren't transported for hundreds of thousands of miles around the world, burning fossil fuels in the process.


I recycle all the bags, things like that. I cook at home, so I try and buy a whole chicken and debone it at home myself, rather than just get the pieces I might like. So there's a lot of prep at home, hopefully to save some money and help out.


We try in our family to live a fairly minimal lifestyle. We try to limit stuff in the house. We have two young kids, and we try to make sure all their toys are mostly wood toys — stuff that's going to break down over time — minimize the plastic. We use cloth napkins and try to eat with stuff that can be washed and reused. Basically just trying to minimize the amount of single-use plastic and just try to buy or consume stuff we really need.


Working [at Huckleberry's], the hot bar goes half off from 8 to 9 o'clock because unfortunately we have to throw away everything afterwards. And that breaks my heart. So anytime I see food out there, I try to grab boxes of it and then bring it downtown to give out to the homeless. Because it ends up being so cheap — half off plus my [employee] discount.


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Justin Willman @ The Fox Theater

Sat., March 8, 7 p.m.
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