The Daily Show

Sure, speaking truth to power can be funny — but not nearly as funny as making fun of the powerless and crazy.

Poor conservatives. They’ve had to endure eight years of mockery, all in the name of truth-to-power speaking. The cruelest part: It was deadly funny.

Where before, mainstream political satire was limited to har-hars about Clinton’s cigar, Daily Show host Jon Stewart slung jokes about log-rolling and gerrymandering. Humor got downright wonky.

But as America descended further into the Bush years, The Daily Show lost its gleam.

Stewart’s anger — anger at Bush, anger at the yahoos who voted for him — began to overwhelm the comedy. Video clips increasingly cut back to Jon Stewart’s smug/smoldering face, instead of one-liners, as if to say, “This doesn’t even deserve a joke.” At least once, Stewart let out an angry primal scream. There was a sense of apathetic resignation to The Daily Show.

But then came Obama to save the day. Stewart became downright giddy — hopped up on Hope-with-a-capital-H. Suddenly, there was a renewed vigor to his punch lines. Some comedians are best when spittin’ mad. Stewart’s best when jaunty and whimsical.

But with the Democrats firmly entrenched, has The Daily Show begun to speak truth to the new power? Not really.

When Republicans do something silly, The Daily Show mocks the Republicans. When Democrats do something silly, it mocks the Republicans’ silly reaction to the Democrats’ silliness. And when Stewart does mock liberals, it’s usually for being not liberal enough. At its core, The Daily Show is a comedic op-ed column — its perspective unchanged.

Plus, Obama posed a problem: He wasn’t an easy joke. Bush is dumb, Clinton is sleazy, Gore is boring, McCain is old, Obama is… is… black?

Falling approval ratings killed the “Obama as Messiah” narrative.

The “overuses the teleprompter” joke was one-note. Opponents’ criticisms are contradictory: He’s a naïve pacifist who spent his Nobel Peace Prize speech giving a thumbs-up to war. He’s a do-nothing president, who’s trying to change everything.

There were easier butts of easier jokes: the tea-partiers, the conspiracy loons, Joe Wilson. Sarah Palin, like a beloved gimmicky sitcom character that producers clumsily integrate into a spinoff, remained inexplicably in the public eye.

And The Daily Show’s comedic guns remain fixed on these very large targets.

Sure, speaking truth to power can be funny — but not nearly as funny as making fun of the powerless and crazy. And “funny” — more than balance or iconoclasm or changing the world— is The Daily Show’s purpose.


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Tue., Jan. 14, 7-9 p.m.
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Daniel Walters

A lifelong Spokane native, Daniel Walters was a staff reporter for the Inlander from 2009 to 2023. He reported on a wide swath of topics, including business, education, real estate development, land use, and other stories throughout North Idaho and Spokane County.His work investigated deep flaws in the Washington...