What’s New

Upon arrival, visitors will notice exactly what the folks at Mount Spokane have been busy working on this summer: a new addition to the day lodge. “The new addition increased the size by a third, adding 1,200 square feet and about 100 new seats,” explains Kristin Whitaker, marketing manager at Mount Spokane.

The lodge has been modernized throughout with a fresh coat of paint; a brand new, slope-side, wrap-around deck; roll-up garage doors; and the addition of four new big screen televisions to the fleet of large screens they already had in there.


Adult: Full day $36 midweek / $49 weekend & holiday / half day $32 midweek / $38 weekend & holiday / Night $20

Youth: Full day $29 midweek / $39 weekend & holiday / half day $24 midweek / $28 weekend & holiday / Night $20

College/Military: Full day $32 midweek / $42 weekend & holiday / half day $28 midweek / $31 weekend & holiday / night $20

Super Senior (70+): Full day $20 midweek / $26 weekend & holiday / half day $20 midweek / $21 weekend & holiday / night $20

Chair 5 only: Full day $20 midweek / $27 weekend & holiday / half day $19 midweek / $22 weekend & holiday / night $20

Child (6 & under, with signed release): free

“The wrap-around deck and roll up garage doors will be great this spring,” Whitaker adds. “You’ll be able to enjoy a burger and a beer while viewing the action on the slopes.”

Planning for terrain expansion is ongoing, as the resort shops for chairlifts and navigates the final environmental surveys. “We are very proud to say that we are working on terrain expansion, but we’re also improving facilities, which are both important to our skiers and boarders,” Whitaker says.

This season, plan on seeing those facility improvements and keep an ear open for more detailed announcements on terrain expansion.

Mount Spokane has also been working over the summer on the launch of a new app, developed for both iPhone and Androids.

“It will be able to do all of the cool things that other ski-based apps do, like track vertical, speed, keep you updated on conditions and events and quick links to Mount Spokane’s social media outlets, but we are also excited that it will have a unique feature,” Whitaker says. “Have you ever lost a friend on a powder day? Well, this app will have a feature that will help you locate where your friend might be on the mountain.”

Mount Spokane will have regular contests for those utilizing the app. It’s like being rewarded for having fun.

Making the Most of It

Mount Spokane understands what it is like to be new to the mountains, and that is why it has introduced the “First Timer’s Guide” video series. Available on the resort’s website, the videos cover the entire skiing experience — from arriving in the parking lot to taking lessons and hitting the slopes. The idea is to make the mountain experience as streamlined as possible for newbies by cluing them into how things work before they even leave the house.

“A confident skier that has done their research is guaranteed to have a great time skiing and riding on the slopes,” Whitaker says.

Another draw for Mount Spokane is their night skiing. Many times the snow is better because it is colder, and if it is snowing you’ll have better luck finding fresh powder lines without the crowds. Mount Spokane offers the most night skiing terrain in the region, as well as the number of hours they offer night operations — Wednesday through Sunday. Tickets are only $20 for six hours of skiing.

Special Deals

Mount Spokane prides itself as being the “value leader” in the region. Dollar for dollar they may not be the cheapest, but they offer many affordable options when it comes to skiing, riding, learning and eating.

Stocking Stuffers

For only $99, adults will receive three full-day lift tickets and youth will receive five tickets to use any time this season.

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Jen Forsyth

Jen Forsyth is the editor of the Snowlander series.