Could CBD be a safer pain fighter?
By Tuck Clarry
From the Editor: Patience Takes Practice
By Anne McGregor
Decor Delights: Summer events for your mind, body and soul
By Chey Scott
Live, from Spokane! Lilac City Live at Pig Out in the Park
Build Your Own Adventure
Designing and building a custom home offers plenty of opportunities, but be prepared for frustration and delays
By Blythe Thimsen
Bette Largent keeps the Looff Carrousel looking as sharp as it did more than 100 years ago
By Nathan Weinbender
What do you have to lose by trying a popular diet plan? Turns out, more than your weight is at stake
By Mitch Ryals
Eat Like They Do: Tips for eating like the healthiest people in the world
Local vets are taking closer looks at new and non-traditional approaches to care
By Wilson Criscione
Contaminated Pills: Stay safe by being vigilant
Medication Alert
By John R. White
More UW med students are choosing Spokane
A new WSU study shows that working nights can upset the digestive system
By Samantha Wohlfeil
Starting on the Right Foot: Mission Community Outreach hosts summer shoe drive for kids
By Brooke Carlson
Whimsical edible art, baked and painted in a North Idaho kitchen
Former model Dani Lundquist is growing healthy eaters through Lucid Roots, a Coeur d'Alene pop-up and catering business
By Carrie Scozzaro
Bread for Beginners: Baking basics with From No-Knead to Sourdough
By Sheri Boggs
Play with your food with Chomp Sticks
Make a farmer's day with these Inland Northwest markets
From Chaos, Order: How to help your tween reap the benefits of getting organized
By E.J. Iannelli
For parents, sending a kid off to college is an emotional rollercoaster, so we asked an expert for some advice
By philip thompson
Redband Rules!: Spokane's favorite fish
How does a child's history affect that child's future?
By Matt Thompson
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Spokane Valley concludes its investigation into City Council member Al Merkel's use of a personal Nextdoor account for city business
By Victor Corral Martinez
Volume Music Festival kicked off its return with a Chameleon pre-party
By Madison Pearson
Nature-focused programs at Airway Heights Corrections Center improve prisoner health while providing food for the community
By Eliza Billingham
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Entree Food Newsletter
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