The Yoga of Yes
At the Ashtanga Yoga School of Spokane, teacher Shelley Enlow leads students toward self-knowledge
By Robin Hamilton Brodt
Balancing Life & Fitness
Meet six locals who’ll inspire you to make 2017 your fittest year yet
By Taryn Phaneuf
More Than a Story
Just For Kids: Weekly sessions at local libraries have long-term benefits
By Chey Scott
Grains of Truth
Shaun Thompson Duffy goes from mill to oven
By Carrie Scozzaro
Play Well
Parenting: A new book about how they parent in Denmark offers lessons for overprogrammed American kids
By Jessica Joelle Alexander and Iben Sandahl
The Arts of Medicine
How music, literature and visual art are humanizing health care
By Linda Hagen Miller
Choose Wisely
Doctors and patients are teaming up to reduce unnecessary treatments — and to improve outcomes
By Wilson Criscione
Green Light for WSU
Milestone: A key step for a new medical school in Spokane
Tis the Season...
Life Coach: Small acts of kindness go a long way
By Robert Maurer
Doing a Disservice
Bringing pets to public places can have unintended consequences for those who rely on service animals
Helping Kids Feel Secure
Ask. Dr. Matt: Parents' emotional regulation and control more important than ever
By Matt Thompson
Flip the Script on Your 25 Days of Christmas
Charity Corner: Consider a reverse-Advent calendar to give back this season
By Haylee Millikan
Rocket Fuel
Superfood: Arugula is perfect for winter windowsill gardens
By Anne McGregor
Alternatives to Ibuprofen?
Pill Box: Options for pain relief
By John R. White
The Reset Button
From the Editor: This season is a good time to look inward
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Manufactured home owners are reimagining stable housing as local communities face untenable rent increases
By Eliza Billingham
Spokane nonprofit worries state budget could prioritize police while ending an important fund combatting the War on Drugs
By Samantha Wohlfeil
Inlander Restaurant Week 2025: How It Works
Learn more about the culture that informs Maryhill Winery's involvement with the Spokane community
Sneak Peek Preview
Entree Food Newsletter
Weekend Countdown