I Saw You


Slithering Snake: How do you live with yourself? Your a very evil man ripping off seniors, singles, young vulnerable mothers/woman, handicapped. You con, scam and defraud millions. You love no one not even yourself. I continue to bring awareness on what your all about. It's as if you have no heart or no soul. You make the world a sad hurtful dark place...No more trust or belief, only grief from the fight! You can take all and leave nothing and not blink an eye. Causing turmoil & destruction! Wrecking lives, destroying ones trust, character, and faith in mankind. Fraud/Identity theft is a crime!

Get Air Sexy Dad 2/8/20: Around 11 am we both took our daughters to Get Air. My daughter was enticed by you and your beautiful six year old playing while we waited in line. My daughter introduced herself to both of you. Then we introduced ourselves. Our daughters ended up being obsessed with each other. I thought it was super cute that our daughters were paying so well and YOU are super cute. I had a great time with the girls but would like to get to know tall dark and handsome DAD. Your name started with an S. Please get a hold of me If you see this! [email protected]

Broke Both His Legs At Slayer: One of the more epic stunts I've witnessed. I have a photo of you leaving the arena on a stretcher throwing a "rock on" hand in the air. [email protected]

Uber driver lose my number: To the Uber driver who drove me home from Lucky You Lounge last Saturday night, I am grateful for your service and want to apologize for throwing up while I was your passenger. I'm a lightweight when it comes to drinking, and someone at the bar kept buying shots. I forgot after the 3rd one that I wasn't in college anymore...sigh, not my finest moment. Anyway, I don't remember getting into your car, but I do remember feeling very queasy in your backseat, and then a flash of the window rolling down in a hurry as I expelled the contents of my stomach down the side of your fine vehicle. I am eternally sorry that I left you like that, in no condition to even comprehend that my body fluids probably cost you some later night fares. Or how your car may have smelled and/or looked as you drove off. Somehow I made it home with all my personal items. That alone is a miracle. What's also a miracle is that there are people like you willing to risk driving drunk strangers home safely. This stranger is grateful you never once seemed upset at me, even though I deserved it. I hope we never meet again for both our sakes, and that all your rides are nothing but 5 star big tippers the entire year. You deserve it! Sincerely, Sober now


Republicans: Cheers to the Senate Republicans for unwittingly coming up with a plan that will reduce jail and prison populations. From now on all criminal trials will no long have witnesses and evidence presented against the accused, and his friends and family will be the jurors.

Goodmorning Sunshine: Thank you for the tea. In the rush of the AM I often forget to grab anything for breakfast and end up totally sick by the time lunch rolls around. Your "oh this is for you" often makes the mornings just a little bit easier and I am so grateful for that and for you.

Nerd Love: Happy Valentine's Day and happy birthday to the Arthur to my Molly, the Bernie to my Jane, the Wash to my Zoe, the Jamie to my Claire and the Westley to my Buttercup. I love you more. You are amazing and every day with you in it is better.

Will: I love you... in spite of ourselves. I always have. I always will. Unconditionally. -Kate-

You Helped Out a Grateful Artist: Cheers to the amazing employee at the downtown FedEx Office store who found my full sketchbook, located my phone number inside and took time out of her day to call me so I could get it back instead of shipping it off with all the other unclaimed lost and found items. I lost it a couple months ago and didn't think I'd see it again. Your thoughtfulness made my entire week and I am super grateful. You're amazing!


Take Down The Wall: Jeers to Kendall Yards for putting up a fence between the Spokane Regional Health District and the parking lot for My Fresh Basket. Way to further isolate yourself from this community and your west central neighbors. Hard to tout walkability when you put a wall literally in the middle of a pedestrian walkway. Mad about people parking in your lot inappropriately? Ticket them and make some money! Or is it more about how SRHD provides opioid treatment and a number of other incredibly important and needed services to keep our community healthy? If Kendall Yards was a neighborhood for all Spokane, why wouldn't you want an agency doing so much good for Spokane as your neighbor? Wouldn't you want design a space that encourages their staff and clients you shop and enjoy your streets?

It's just beer. Right? I love beer as much as the next person and respect the craft of brewing. However, in a saturated market of small micro breweries, shouldn't you maybe consider that you're the newbie and charging $9 (+tax) for 12 oz (three 4 oz samplers) is a little over the top? Don't get me wrong, the beer was good. Just maybe not $96/gal good. Or, maybe it's just me.

Animal Abuser: To the jerk in the Lowe's parking lot on 2/8 with the beautiful black dog. I wish I had called the cops on you when I saw you kick your dog then forcibly take him to the ground. You are a sorry excuse for a man. That's not how you train a dog you jerk! I feel horribly for your dog and wish I was able to beat your a**. I'm a woman and yelled at you but was pretty sure I would have been on the ground next. You're a jerk and don't deserve that beautiful dog or any pet for that matter. JERK!

Re: freebie parking: I sympathize with the person who wrote the jeers about "freebie parking" and the issue with SCC students and staff parking in front of their residences. However, try to exercise just a little compassion. After all, these are community college people. They may not be smart enough to understand. Perhaps they just don't know how to purchase a parking pass. Also, I've been told that many cars get broken into or stolen at Spokane Tech. Maybe they're just trying to park in a safer spot than the community center. You may also want to put notes on their cars telling them about Falls Community or Eastern which are places where high school students can get some skills to help getting into Washington State or Gonzaga.

Phones have 10X the bacteria as a toilet seat: You pulled your phone out of your dingy gray bra then put it on the conveyor belt. Expecting me to pick it up and look at your coupon. You got mad when I said I wasn't going to be responsible for your phone. It could fall off the belt onto the concrete floor. Or one of your items could tip over and break it. You need to pick your phone up and I will scan it. You could have pulled up your big girl panties, picked up your grimy phone. Let me scan it and move on. But no you had to throw a hissy fit. Next time you are going poop and playing on your phone. Ask yourself would a stranger want to touch this?

Turkeys: A few words of wisdom for people who encounter turkeys in the roadway: 1. They won't move if you honk your horn. 2. They won't move if you just sit there. 3. They WILL move if you JUST KEEP GOING. Slow down if it makes you feel better but they will get out of the way of any moving vehicle. Please don't cause an irritating and unsafe situation by stopping for these pests. ♦