Conan O'Brien's Spokane Adventure

If indie movies have taught me anything, it's that the correct response to a big blow to your psyche — say, losing your job — is an existentially-tinged road trip across America. Along the way you'll make new friends, take in the beauty and oddity of the great American landscape, have comical car trouble, and maybe, just maybe, learn a little something about yourself.

At least that's what Conan O'Brien's decided to do after NBC fired him for Jay Leno's 10 pm failure.

Legally, he can't perform on television until September. He's wasted some of his time on Twitter, capriciously lifting Sarah Killen (@lovelybutton), randomly chosen from one of his hundreds of thousands of followers, from obscurity.

But now he's planning to take his mix of absurdity, oddity, and self-deprecation across America in "The Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television Tour: A Night of Music Comedy, Hugging, And The Occasional Awkward Silence."

“It was either a massive 30-city tour or start helping out around the house” the O’Brien press release says.

One of his first stops? Spokane.

On Friday, April 16, the INB Performing Arts will get the full tall n' gangly orange-haired treatment.

Go to or for tickets.

INB prices run $39.50 for balcony tickets, Orchestra rows K-CC are $59.50, and rows A - J are $79.50. As of posting, tickets nationally were going so fast second shows had to be added in New York, Boston, Chicago, Vancouver, San Francisco and LA.

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