Holes in the budget, streets Good news for Spokane Potholes, the anthropomorphic Facebook representation of the gaping holes in Spokane’s streets. Since the union that deals with street maintenance failed to reach an agreement with the city, there will be an elimination of 13 positions in the street department. That could mean cutbacks in both pothole fixing and snow plowing. (KREM)
The Mystery of the Car Creeps “There’s got to be some way to catch these car thieves, Frank Hardy!” “If only there was some sort of clue, my detective brother, Joe Hardy!” “What about these footprints in the snow, leading away from the vehicle!?“ “Keen thinking, swell chum!” Spokane police were able to arrest two car prowlers by following footprints leading away from a suspect car. (KXLY)
Let there be snow For Coeur D’Alene residents dreaming of a white Christmas, you may get your wish. It will likely snow by Saturday. For those dreaming of different sort of white Christmas, however, there probably won’t be enough snow to build a Ku Klux Klan snowman. (CDAP)
Rails and Water Traditionally, the Burlington Northern Sante Fe Railway company pays about $100,000 to help keep the Spokane Valley/Rathdrum Praire aquifer clean, pay for inspections, and to educate schoolchildren about the aquifer. But after 2013, it wants to stop paying that cost, claiming that the money paid is mostly unrelated to the refueling of the depot. Kootenai County commissioners, however, want that funding to continue, arguing the money is necessary for inspections. (SR)
Tell all you want After a delay of almost two years, Obama has fulfilled his promise to sign into law a repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” military. Gay men and women can now serve openly in all branches of military service. And by “now,” we mean, “whenever the creaking cogs of military bureaucracy grind their way to an official implementation policy.” For now, the military recommends lying about who you are a little bit longer, just until all the complicated details can all be sorted out. (WP)