Door, Boot, Freedom -- A contractor, and former Navy Seal, recounts how he escaped a prison in Tripoli, Libya (SR)
Like your women like you like your coffee -- A local TV station continues its hard-nosed coverage of the bikini barista issue, with the obligatory investigative photo galleries. (KREM)
Grizzly details -- After a wounded bear attacked and killed a hunter near Bonners Ferry, Idaho, the friend and the father of the hunter reveal their thoughts. (KXLY)
Field of battle – The McEuen field controversy in Coeur d’Alene continues, as Team McEuen defends themselves, arguing they fulfilled the contract to the city as promised. (CDAP)
Nyetflix – After consumers revolted and stock prices dove following a price hike, the Netflix CEO apologized and now, announces it will split the company in two, with Netflix concentrating on streaming and the company sending out DVDs given the hilarious sounds-like-a-failed-social-network name of “Qwikster.” (NYT)