
I care about my car. It may not be big or expensive, but it gets me where I
need to go and I like the color. I care that the note you left on it
said "please". That was kind of you, but the fact that it was written on
the back of a parking ticket envelope was a little hypocritical. I care
that there is no way you could know how much thought and energy I put into
the well being of others, seeing as how you are among the "neighbors" in
this complex who barely return eye contact. I care about putting positive
energy into the universe for the cause of the greater good. I cannot
express how saddened I am by the idea of making someone's time in this
world any harder than it has to be. I care about letting you, the
individual who chose to take their personal struggle out on someone they
have not bothered to meet, know that I value your opinion. I care about
this situation in our tiny parking lot, and should you also choose to care
more than an anonomys note, feel free to walk down the stairs and actually
knock on my door. Funny thing is, if you had done that before, you would
know that "care" is the first syllable of my name.