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I work in an upscale retail store and I love my job and most of my
customers, however, sales associates are not your punching bag! If you see
a coupon in an ad please read the coupon before you come into the store. Do
not yell at us because the item is not valid with your coupon! If you have
to wait in a line please be happy that people are shopping again. Do not
get pissed at us because you chose to come in on your 30min lunch break. If
we are out of an item do not accuse us of never having it when you come in
on the day the ad ends instead of the entire week the ad was running. We
are not the buyers! If your baby has a dirty diaper do not leave it in the
dressing rooms. These are real easy tips on how to make your shopping
experience nicer. Most stores have this wonderful new invention called
a "telephone". So if you see something in an ad and can't make it in, just
call and have it held for you or charged to you! If you want to see if the
coupon is valid. Call. See... a simple solution to rude behavior!