"name": "Broadstreet - Instory",
"component": "25846487",
"insertPoint": "4",
"requiredCountToDisplay": "4"
"name": "Broadstreet - Empower Local",
"component": "27852456",
"insertPoint": "8",
"requiredCountToDisplay": "8"
"name": "Broadstreet - Instory",
"component": "25846487",
"insertPoint": "12",
"requiredCountToDisplay": "12"
"name": "Broadstreet - Instory - 728x90 / 970x250",
"component": "27852677",
"insertPoint": "18",
"requiredCountToDisplay": "18"
"name": "Broadstreet - Instory",
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I understand that times are tough and when worse comes to worse, it's
necessary to steal what you need. The brownish bag (with stapled handles)
of dirty clothes you stole near Sacajawea had a red man's swim suit and a
new gray Phantom Divers polo shirt. No 'need''there and nothing to sell
either. You can keep all that (although I really liked that swim-suit) if
you'll just return the worn red spiral notebook with two years of notes and
phone numbers in it. I'll even give you $20 NQA. My email address is at
the top inside the cover. You can say you found it somewhere and read
about it in the Inlander.