"You guys are WAY better than Portland!"
And, of course, everyone went crazy. That's what the singer of Tomten said to the voracious crowd last night at Mootsy's during The Inlander's Volume Pre-Party.
Goddamn. That was a good time, right? We were stoked to see the place butts-to-nuts full with diehard music fans (including a few half-naked men?), and to hear three local bands (plus one amazing touring band) play the most precise and perfect sets we've heard in long time.
If you missed it, we also announced this year's SIX Bands to Watch. That's right: six. This year, our committee — a group of local writers, bookers and unrepentant fans — had a hard time choosing the usual five. After two months of deliberation and research, we picked the 2012 Inlander Bands to Watch:
Mirror Mirror
Losing Skin
Terrible Buttons
Tim Blood & the Gutpanthers
Local revivalists, French-inspired goth, a North Idaho rave DJ, a diehard group of Moscow punks, a horror folk band that's converting the masses and one of the hardest working metal bands in the Northwest. I'd say that's a great batch. You can read all about them in our May 24 Local Music Issue.
In addition to this year's Bands to Watch — who are headlining six shows at our first ever Volume Local Music Block Party — Patrick Kendrick, of Platform Booking, also announced some of the rest of the 35+ plus bands playing the June 1 extravaganza:
Jacob Butcher
Liz Rognes
Ian Miles
Matt Mitchell
Dead Serious Lovers
Cathedral Pearls
House of Ghosts
Sales Wagon
The Soul and the Machine
Silver Treason
Team Growl
Duck Duck Suckerpunch
Whiskey Dick Mountain
Space Movies
Rice Queen
Safe Word
David Plell & the Ultra Peach
Bandit Train
Belt of Vapor
Drag Like Pull
Diamond Speedboat
Wristbands are just FIVE DOLLARS if you buy them in advance (they jump to $10 the day of the show), so get yours reserved now. Many shows ARE all-ages, and final schedule will appear in the May 24 issue. Watch inlander.com/volume for details as they emerge.
If last night was any indication of how fun Volume will be … lets just say you might want to bring extra pants. DANCING PANTS, SILLY.