"name": "Broadstreet - Instory",
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"name": "Broadstreet - Empower Local",
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"name": "Broadstreet - Instory",
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"name": "Broadstreet - Instory - 728x90 / 970x250",
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Highway 395 is an extremely hazardous highway, especially in the winter,
and when you get a moron behind the wheel it makes it scary. Jeers to you,
you idiot, that pulled out in front of me on 395 in Deer Park at 5:15 in
the morning. I had to brake and brake and brake to avoid you. Not only were
you driving a huge piece of equipment and had an additional trailer
attached to it, but it turns out you own it. It was a very long rig. When I
called the company to talk to the owner, I got you, the extremely rude and
inconsiderate so called human being. I did say, "you f****ing pulled out in
front of me" and you proceeded to yell at ME and call me some horrible
names. You are an idiot and should not be allowed on the road. How would
you like it if your kids were in a vehicle and someone almost caused an
awful accident with you because they were stupid? Why do you suppose the
other driver behind me had to pass both of us on a yellow line? Probably
because he wanted to avoid a bad situation. Well you were wrong and stupid.
It was so unprofessional of you to talk to someone that way when you own a
business. My husband's business uses equipment like yours from time to time
and you better believe it that YOURS will never ever be called to use. You
scared me so bad that my heart pounded for hours after the ordeal. You
better think about the very little driving skills you have and revamp them.