Inlander's 17 Lives Story

Cheers to the Inlander for publishing the article "17 Lives". That is such
a great story to read (especially when the world has so many terrible
things going on). I pick up the Inlander every week and never has a story
touched me that much. It brings me to tears just thinking about it. My
heart goes out to the family of that young lady, but I would also like to
say that I'm glad she lives on and has helped so many people along the way.
I think everyone should be an organ donor, Why not give what can help
someone else in their time of need. Cheers, cheers, cheers and another big
cheers to Lorissa Green and her family... "You give but little when you
give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly
give". Kahlil Gibran