Keep on Votin' Remember that year-long effort to reform health care, the one that ended a couple of days ago when President Obama signed it into law? Turns out the House needs to vote on it again. Just this last time. They promise. Swear.

Dorn's DUI State Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy Dorn says it was just one brewsky with dinner, but police say he was totally bleezed early Sunday morning, which is why they charged him yesterday with driving under the influence. A breathalyzer showed Dorn's blood-alcohol content at 0.11 — well above the allowable 0.08. Do as he says, kids, not as he does.

Shhh... There's a record number of people using library computers, according to a study out of University of Washington. This at a time when strapped local jurisdictions are cutting library hours to save cash. How ironic. But don't fret, Spokanites. Our municipal library system recently increased operating hours. 

$40 leg wound When someone has a gun and wants your $40, probably just hand it to him. And if he shoots you in the leg, call 911. Don't just strut into the hospital and then lie to cops about what happened. That's when your name gets in the Spokesman.

Speaking of guns Sen. John McCain defends his old pal Sarah Palin's use of possibly violent terminology in fundraising literature. But Today's Ann Curry asks if it's the right time for such language, considering all the death threats against Democratic members of Congress.