Student athlete gets high? — Shocking! Klay Thompson, a star basketball player for WSU, was pulled over near Pullman's Greek Row last night for a broken headlight when officers smelled marijuana. They found almost two grams on him and impounded his car. (KXLY)
Mad Scientist versus "The People's Mayor" — Christopher Fenton, a lab analyst for Spokane's Signature Genomics laboratory, is the first official challenger to Spokane Mayor Mary Verner. What's his platform? Why, it's the same platform he's always had — he's going to try to take over the world! Narf. (SR)
Cut-off, part 3 — Lawmakers in Olympia face yet another legislative cut-off today: If a bill doesn't get out of its chamber of origin (House or Senate), it dies. (The Advance)
And, finally, Shark versus Octopus — Whoa. (Boise Weekly)