MORNING HEADLINES: KREM caught Kevin Harpham on tape. Plus, the John Stamos guide to cuddling.

KREM caught Kevin Harpham in footage of MLK Day parade — The man who is accused of planting a bomb near the parade route is seen briefly among parade-goers in two shots by a KREM photojournalist. (KREM) 

Militia supporter gets a year in jail — Kenneth Kimbley, Jr., 60, was arrested near Spirit Lake in 2010 for amassing weapons in preparation for "a communist invasion." (SR)

Barefoot Bandit won't see film profits — Colton Harris-Moore, who led police on a two-year chase before being arrested in the Bahamas last July, signed a $1.3 million movie deal for his story, but proceeds will go to his victims. (KXLY)

Coeur d'Alene tribe police chief to run for Kootenai County Sheriff — Keith Hutcheson will leave the tribal position on Oct. 4 to face incumbent sheriff Rocky Watson. (CdA Press)

Coeur d'Alene is the most dog-friendly city in America (KREM)

Learn to cuddle from John Stamos (College Humor)