Buzz Bin

by Inlander Staff & r & & r & She's Gettin' All Foxy for Us & r & In case you haven't been inside the Fox in, like, forever: All the seats are gone. There's a pile of rubble where the lip of the stage will be. But if you look close, what seems like ugly cement gray on the walls reveals faint tracings of floral designs in pastel shades. (Major structural changes -- the HVAC work, and adding a rear wall to create a second, interior lobby suitable for receptions -- will continue through November, when six months of paint-restoration work will begin.) When you stand on the main floor where the back row of seats will be, it's amazing how close you are to the stage. It may be soot- and debris-covered now, but when it opens in fall 2007, the Fox will be an Art Deco masterpiece.

Every Available Space & r & U.S. Airways has announced plans to sell ads on barf bags.

"Sir, this is a potential revenue, er, stream."

"Get me the people at Dramamine, stat."

Coming soon to a cramped airplane bathroom near you: toilet paper imprinted with ads for Immodium.

Bruno Likes Morihiko & r & Morihiko Nakahara of the Spokane Symphony is one of just two associate conductors in the nation to receive the Bruno Walter Fellowship this year. (Walter, champion of Gustav Mahler, was driven from his native Germany by the Nazis, then conducted brilliantly in America in the 1940s and '50s.) The fellowship ($7,500 to the Symphony, $2,500 to Nakahara himself) is given to associate conductors who show exceptional promise. (This year's other winner is in San Antonio.)

Nakahara, a professor in the EWU music department and director of the EWU Symphony Orchestra, is also one of five finalists to become conductor of the Missoula Symphony; he will conduct their season-opener in October.

Getting Up on Her Soap Box & r & Last Saturday in Akron, Ohio, a Spokane girl won a $3,000 college scholarship. Brittney Katterfield, 15, took second place in the world championships of stock car racing -- the gravity-powered kind, that is. We're talking the All-American Soap Box Derby. Congratulations, Brittney!

Giving Away Their Shirts & r & At tonight's game (July 27), the Indians will be wearing autographed red, white and blue OC Choppers jerseys. Bid on yours during the game, brush out your handlebar mustache, and stroll around the fairgrounds Friday-Sunday with a way cool shirt. Not only will you be helping out the Boys and Girls Club of Spokane County -- OCC's nonprofit of choice -- but you'll also be tooting your Teutels allegiance.