Buzz Bin

Dome Gone to the Dogs

Admit it: You're flipping channels late at night, you stumble across Animal Planet, and there are the cutest canines -- everything from golden retrievers to wiener dogs -- scampering through chutes and across bridges, climbing up A-frames, leaping over barriers -- and it's all against the clock and you're hooked, and how do they get those dogs to do that? Well, it's called dog agility, and they take it a whole lot more seriously than you do your weekend softball game. Best of all, they and their mutts are invading the Kibbie Dome (that's Kibbie, not kibble) for the Palouse Hills Dog Fanciers' Agility Competition, beginning Friday, March 9, at 4 pm and then running (like dogs!) all weekend. And it's free. Call (509) 335-4456.

Anishinaabe Activist

Winona LaDuke -- environmentalist, economist, writer and Native American activist -- will speak in SFCC's SUB building on Thursday, March 8, at both 11:30 am and 7 pm. Best known as Ralph Nader's Green Party running mate in 1996 and 2000, LaDuke has a Pacific Northwest connection -- she grew up in Ashland, Ore. -- though her work for social justice has focused on helping Ojibwe tribal members on their reservation in Minnesota. Call 533-3607.

Saint in Stone

We don't know about you, but this sure looks like an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary to us. It's on the side of an abutment at North Market Street and the North-South Freeway overpass (over there by the northwest corner). We could have sworn we heard angels singing, but Sister Bridget Marie always said that when you're in the presence of a holy icon, you're not supposed to swear.

It'd be a nice touch if construction workers could each say three Hail Marys and place a few bouquets there.