Embracing Spring

Spring is such a great time of year. Everything is in bloom, the sun warms the land (and quite frankly our spirits), and the kids can finally break free and head outside. It’s also a time of change and organization. We clean our homes, wash our cars, and plan an out-of-school getaway with the family.

So here’s my challenge to all of you. As you are making those changes and plans, why not concentrate on your body as well? Now that the weather is nice, walk to work instead of ride. Eat a healthy sandwich in the park instead of fast food. Or, get that yearly mammogram you’ve been putting off. In our Health Link story here, you’ll see how a belated mammogram saved one women’s life. It may do the same for you.

And if it’s your spirit that needs a lift, there are always plenty of great nonprofit projects that need your help. Here at KREM we work with Habitat for Humanity on the Blitz Build (May 30-June 17). It’s a great way to get involved and spend time outdoors. Contact Habitat for more information or go to our Website at www.KREM.com.

Use this time to get healthy — both of mind and body. Enjoy the longer days and use them wisely. Remember, with each passing day winter is getting closer. Yikes!