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This is not a jeers as much as it would fall under the catergory of "simply
perplexed". Living in Spokane, I have become accustom to the lack of
certain aspects that drive metropolitan life such as literature, art,
restaurants not to mention STYLE. Thus, here is my quandry, must we also
lack taste? Come on Spokane! When our own Nordstrom Employees are ashamed
and joke that, "No, sadly we don't carry Saint Laurent, Burberry or even
Wang," that's saying something. Can we be more than a town full of either
sloppy sweats or decade old J.crew? Does anyone know fabric other than
leather and lace? Am I the only one traipsing around town in my louboutins
and chloe only to be mocked as snobbish? It's about personal expression,
not superficiality but do we have no pride? Men are rarely seen in suits in
this town and for as arrogant as the downtown female shoppers are, one
would think they would branch out in something that would make their
husbands want them, that shows confidence not disdain for personal
appearence. I'll be damned if this even is published as people who read
this are more likely to respond in jeers themselves than look around. I
have witnessed homeless in Seattle and Portland wearing nicer clothing than
those in my hometown, shame.