For Your Consideration

The 1975, Rune Factory 4 and Global Neighborhood Thrift

ALBUM | A decade into making music, The 1975 has performed under several different names, honing a pop mix mildly reminiscent of the '80s the four 20-somethings barely experienced. Filled with lusty, angsty, heavily accented, rapid-fire lyrics, their eponymous new album is perfect for the Anglophiles among us. Poppy, hip and filled with boy-band essence (swooshy hair and the like), The 1975 brings back the feelings of youth, from partying too hard to chasing after girls who will never like you back.

GAME | Combining the farming aspects cherished by Harvest Moon lovers and the real-time fight-and-slash that Zelda fans know and adore, Rune Factory 4 is the kind of game that makes real life look lame. This Animal Crossing-esque RPG hybrid for the 3DS is kickin' simply because there's so much to do. After you lose your memory falling out of an airship, you're adopted by a dragon and are free to spend your days doing whatever — farming, fighting, fishing, making friends, mining, crafting, cooking, competing in festivals, and maybe even getting married.

PLACE | For those too hipster to continue shopping at the suddenly corporate Value Village and Goodwill, Global Neighborhood Thrift is the place for you. Still featuring classic sales, like all shoes for — dare I say it, Macklemore? — 99 cents, and a price range from zero to $10, it's the kind of store that keeps thrifting cool. And all of the profits go to supporting refugees, which makes it all the more tempting to max out the fun punch card they give you when you spend $15.