MORNING BRIEFING: The Case of the Missing Bees, water and emails


Leaks account for about 3.8 billion gallons of water lost in Spokane — about double the legal maximum. Here’s our story on it last year. (SR)

Councilman Ben Stuckart wants to save the honeybees by banning the local use of certain pesticides. Here’s our story on honeybees last year. (SR)

Spokane is facing a $2 million class-action lawsuit, due to technicalities with signatures put on on red-light camera tickets. (KXLY)

controversy over downtown street kids. (KREM)


Remember how Obama promised to bring those responsible for the Benghazi embassy attacks to justice? U.S. commandos may have captured the attack’s ringleader. (NYT)

USA! USA! USA! (SBnation)

A Benghazi panel with the Heritage Foundation quickly veered off-topic into attacking Muslims. (Washington Post)

In a very Nicolas Cagey turn of events, scientists find a secret behind a Picasso painting — another Picasso painting. (The Wire)
In a gift to conspiracy theorists, two years of emails from Lois Lerner, former head of the IRS's tax-exempt status department, are gone. Lerner was involved in the controversy over whether the IRS was unfairly scrutinizing conservative groups.


Delta lands itself, as we all expected them to someday, in a giraffe-related hot water. (Washington Post)