Doctors Needed

From the editor

Doctors Needed
Anne McGregor is the editor of InHealth. Email her at [email protected].

Had a long wait to get in to see a doctor lately? When I called to get my son into a specialist last February, I was told she was booked until October. I nearly fell off my chair. Luckily, a spot opened up in May — still a wait of more than two months. Getting him in for surgery took another two months. Trouble even finding a primary care doctor willing to take you on as a patient? It's probably not much comfort, but you're not alone.

In this issue, our life coach Carla Brannan's column is about making a life change — it's titled "Awareness, Acceptance, Action!" Reading it, I considered how, as a state, we've been awfully slow at turning our awareness of the physician shortage into action. As you'll read in Daniel Walters' Special Report, "Delivering New Docs," there are whole counties in Washington with only a handful of doctors — sometimes just one or two. More people than ever are now insured, but who will take care of them? I hope you'll be ready to let your legislators know how you feel about the potential for a new medical school in Spokane after reading his story.

But we're not all about depth at InHealth. Sometimes we're more, well, skin-deep. In "Facing the Future," Linda Hagen-Miller takes a look at all the new, and minimally invasive, ways to make sure your face reflects just how young you feel.

To your health!