Love him or loathe him — those seem to be the two default possibilities when it comes to the occasionally dark, often juvenile comedy of Daniel Tosh.
A lot of people fall in the "love" camp, obviously, given the long-running success of his Comedy Central clip show Tosh.o, and the fact that his standup tour is playing in the Spokane Arena when it comes through Spokane.
Tosh's show is Thursday, May 4, at 7:30 pm in the arena's Star Theater configuration. Tickets are $25 for students, and $45, $55 and $75 for the general public. They go on sale Friday at 10 am.
He'll be joined by writers and comedians who work on his show for this tour. Given the slate of schools Tosh is visiting on the tour, maybe this is further indication of Gonzaga basketball putting the school in the big-time.