May the 4th Be With You: Where to celebrate "Star Wars Day" in the Inland Northwest

This Friday, May 4, is known by many in Star Wars fandom as "May the Fourth Be With You" day. Get out and celebrate the famous sci-fi series with other local fans at several venues across the Inland Northwest; we've rounded up some of the happenings below.


The Innovation Den
Come celebrate Star Wars with food, drinks and cosplayers from The 501st Legion, Timberline Garrison, dressed up in as characters from the franchise. A photographer on site takes free photos of guests with the cast. Also catch Star Wars movies on the big screen.
4-7pm • Free • 418 E. Lakeside Ave., Coeur d'Alene • 208-269-5545

Jedi Alliance
The local Star Wars-themed retro arcade is offering $10 access to all-you-can-play games. Tournaments, prizes and a free potluck are also part of the festivities, and all items in the gift shop are on sale for 15 or 20 percent off.
6-10 pm • 2024 E. Boone Ave., Spokane

Triple Play Family Fun Park
Anyone who comes dressed in a Star Wars costume and says "May the fourth be with you" gets a late night pass for $20.95 and a free lightsaber. There will also be free raffle giveaways. The park's Garden Fresh Grill is serving Star Wars-named menu items such as "Yoda Soda," "Han Burgers," "Vader Taters," "Hoth Dogs" and "Wookie Cookies."
6-11 pm • 175 W. Orchard Ave., Hayden, Idaho • 208-762-7529


Checkerboard Bar
Rage Rabbit Entertainment hosts a Star Wars celebration with Star Wars Battlefront on Xbox or PS4, as well as a beer bong in the specially-decorated venue. Admission is free to all those who dress up as Star Wars characters, otherwise there's a $5 cover charge.
5 pm-2 am • 1716 E. Sprague • 535-4007

English Setter Brewing
Get $2 off your first beer if you come wearing Star Wars-related clothing. All who attend can enter to win a Star Wars-themed movie night basket.
5-8:30 pm • 15310 E. Marietta Ave. #4, Spokane Valley • 413-3663

Star Wars-themed drinks, video games and movies are available for guests to partake in at this recently-opened gaming bar. Cosplayers from the Galactic Alliance are also attending dressed as stormtroopers, Princess Leia and Darth Vader; they'll make an appearance at 9 pm.
7 pm-2 am • 6710 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley • 443-4064