This is a past event.

Spokane Belly Fest

You may be surprised to find out that Spokane has a growing and thriving belly dance scene. After taking two years off from their full programming, Spokane Belly Fest is back in person with its annual gathering of dancers and vendors. Local performers, as well as performers traveling from out of town, are hosting five workshops for dancers of all skill levels, including one that focuses specifically on shimmies, and another exploring the craft of improvisation in belly dancing. After all the hard work is over, participants are encouraged to take part in the hafla, an open performance for dancers who want to showcase their new skills in front of an encouraging audience. Sounds like a belly shaking good time!

Spokane Belly Fest • Sat, May 7 from 10 am-8 pm • $25-$115 • Moran Prairie Grange • 6030 S. Palouse Hwy. •

— Madison Pearson