Readers respond to layoffs announced in Spokane Public Schools due to a budget shortfall ("Give and Take" 4/18/19):
Michelle Moyer: "Every librarian in the district received notice that they will lose their jobs." This is a nightmare. The library and librarian at Hamblen Elementary, and working in the library after school, changed my life. I don't even know who I would be without them.
Michael Fox: How do you mismanage an entire school district? Did they not know there were changes coming to funding sources and procedures?
Marian Hennings: No school librarians. This is scandalous. ♦
Readers respond to assistance Rep. Matt Shea allegedly offered to right-wing extremists to target liberal Spokane residents with background checks, according to a recent Guardian article:
Alan Walker: Enough already, the guy needs to be recalled and removed from the state Legislature!!!
Jennifer Mathews: Matt Shea is dangerous to our community. Pretty simple.
Kira Burt: Contact your state reps to call for Shea's censure and removal from the Legislature.
Laurel Henderson: Matt Shea is absolutely off his rocker. I can not believe Spokane Valley re-elected this extremist nutball! The chat referred to in this article is violent and creepy and people who plan such things belong in jail, not the state government!
Këlly Zimmerman: Shea needs to be prosecuted. He's not stable.
Philip Levy: This is crazy. We are just sleepwalking into disaster.
Pam Earlscourt Hamblin: I'm sorry but what is wrong with the people who live in the Valley and keep voting this nutjob in? He is clearly a danger to society and is spreading around hateful propaganda. The voters even knew of his pending issues and still voted him in. What is going on in this county? Has he gerrymandered the district so he always wins or are the people just this hateful or ignorant who vote him in?
Erika Deasy: Sickening. He needs to be taken out of office, though he may become even more dangerous as a private citizen. His position of leadership only lends power to him creating a following. This is how cults and these radical groups get started. I hope he's being watched now. ♦