Steve Berde: If the naysayers and the complainers would take the time to look at the entirety of the changes, I think it would be a plus for most including the businesses affected. If traffic is "calmed," it makes it better for the shopper and for those who want to make North Monroe a destination rather than a commute through street. Everywhere these changes have occurred have enhanced the livability of the area. It seems we've only heard about the business owners who never like change as it's unsettling. We've yet to hear from the many residents who live in the area bordering Monroe. They must prefer a narrower, prettier, more friendly street coming through their neighborhood. Or, as usual, do I live in a fool's paradise?
Lancelot Leones: Do you actually own a business that will be affected during and after the construction? Do you not think small business owners should have some say in their neighborhood development?
Tina Eccles: I'm still trying to figure out the "why" of this project and many others that have been silently done around the city lately. Taking multiple lane roads and reducing them down to one or two lane roads. Taxpayer money used for what purpose? We now have great expanses of sidewalks with huge grassy areas that will be weeds and garbage come spring.
David Hicks: All you have to do is drive up to South Regal... during commute hours... you will see how bad this plan is.
Mj Noduh: This idea, at first blush, sucks. Show me a plan that won't disrupt the bus route, keeps traffic flowing smoothly, and doesn't negatively impact the local businesses in the area, and maybe, just maybe, the purple, sequined unicorn of my good opinion and blessing will appear.
Randy Brown: Why can't there just be bus pullouts? The reduction is needed. It will restore the urban fabric of the city. ♦