EVERY OTHER DAY: Fathers are often neglected when it comes to recognizing our child-rearing role in the 21st century — a time very different than when even we were children. Society's expectations are higher than ever regarding the most difficult job a man can have — being a dad. That said, I admire you, father of two children (ages 1 and 3 I'd estimate) in the North Division Fred Meyer on Friday, June 9, around 7 pm. Your kids were in the cart, and you were a delight to see, interacting with them, singing and dancing with them, even kindly telling the elder child to apologize to his sister whom he inadvertently smacked. There was no mom in sight — just you and your children. Happy Father's Day every day to you and every dad that goes unnoticed.LOVETAPS DURING TRIVIUM & BEARTOOTH: With eyes sensitive to artificial light, I am pretty easy to remember. Who else wears "sunglass" shades in the mosh pit? I could still discern your short to medium auburn hair and lovely appearance. After you decided to flirt physically, I minced words that you are butt of my new joke. I am saddened that I did not get a chance to converse with you when the music was not playing. I plan to save $51 next Wednesday for a free concert at Kendall Yards; feel free to join me.
VALLEY LIBRARY GRAND OPENING: Thank you to the retired Spanish teacher who attended the grand opening of the Spokane Valley Library. I really enjoyed our chat waiting for the speakers and the doors to open. I managed to remember a couple of your book/author suggestions and have happily added them to my TBR. I hope you have a wonderful summer of reading, and maybe we'll bump into each other again at the library.
MY DEAR FELLOW SPOKANE DRIVERS: I keep wondering about the function of the indicator in a car. I believe many of you call it a blinker. You know, it's the funny stick or button on the side of your steering wheel. It kinda goes up and down like the windshield wipers with hardly any physical effort at all. I wonder why they call it an indicator in the car manual. I always assumed it is to indicate (Merriam-Webster: to point out or point to) to others where I am planning to turn to (I could swear it was something I had to know to get my driver's license). That way, you know, others can slow down a bit or keep a bit more distance so I can make a safe turn. Or on the freeway drivers behind me are not surprised when I change lanes. Do you think it appears to be some kind of safety feature? I mean, I usually know where I plan on going, but do you think other drivers or pedestrians can read my mind? That's actually a creepy thought... So, I wonder if I should continue to use my indicator because I really do care about others and my own safety or not use the indicator (as many of you appear to do these days), as it keeps the other drivers and pedestrians on their toes?? Is there something that I am not aware of that makes the indicator obsolete? Do people really can read minds? But then again, why would it still be featured in a car? Can only some people read minds??? Again, creepy... What are your thoughts? (I can't read other people's minds as of yet.) Please advise!
BENNY AND THE JETS & RESCUE RANGERS: I've seen you a few times now, Mr. Blue Eyes... I'm totally crushing on you if you feelin me, well, feel free to grab me up and/or ask me out? You'll know it's me by my big smile I get when you walk in. Maybe we can have a tattoo session together sometime? Chip, Jet, Chance symbol, Arch Angel Wings, or even a Taurus at the tattoo spot?
KILLING IT SPOKANE: This city continues to amaze me! After the Lilac Festival, ArtFest and Pride, I am thankful to call Spokane home! The city organizers and volunteers deserve huge recognition for putting on these awesome events. We really live in a great city.
MUCH APPRECIATED: Rose. Thanks for introducing yourself the other night. And, for the kind words you had for me. Much appreciated. I hope you have many similar experiences in your career!
JUST A SIGH: Not a jeer, not a cheer, perhaps just a sigh. Many years ago I was assaulted. I do not visit that night very often. I don't live there. Statistics say that I am not alone. One-third of women have also been assaulted. I don't hate, but sharing a locker room or restroom terrifies me. Why the lack of compassion and empathy for women? Why is my fear and discomfort so easily dismissed?
GREEDY MUCH? If the WA state sales tax is 8.9 percent, why is a certain big box store on Colton charging 9 percent? I wonder how many billions they are fleecing us for?
UPRIVER DRIVE ILLEGAL DRIVING: Jeers to those people who speed down Upriver Drive, passing others on double lines along the way. Jeers also to those who do it elsewhere, but for sake of simplicity, let's focus on one area as an example. The speed limit on Upriver between Avista and the light at Argonne is 30 or 35 mph, depending on the stretch. This week I was driving the speed limit and proceeded to begin to turn left. Someone behind me proceeded to pass me on double lines. I had to quickly swerve back into the lane and avoid the turn. Both me and a car in front of me were passed by this idiot. It's just a matter of time until someone is killed by these fools who can't obey traffic laws. I only hope that if someone is permanently injured or loses their life in this and other accidents, that it will only be the one who was driving illegally and not an innocent driver, biker or pedestrian.
EQUITY: Your example isn't quite right. To create the equal outcome you would have the taller persons legs cut off. Let me give you a real life example. I am smarter than you so I was taking advanced placement courses and that would not be equitable so we just get rid of advanced placement courses. Equity does not exist in the natural order of things so you want to force it. As I stated before it is antithetical to the principles this country was founded on. We help those who help themselves. It must be awesome for you to be so self-righteous and suggest that I say screw everyone else. Classic Marxist move.
BAIT POSTS: Jeers to all of you for submitting obvious bait into the Jeers Section. Jeers to the Inlander for publishing them too. Elvis as a cultural appropriator? Demands for Trans bathrooms in schools and Drag Queens in public libraries? Come on! Do better! There's more important things to complain about!
DEAR GRAD, YOU WANT THE TRUTH? Dear Grad, you want the truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! The truth is that ethics don't buy beachfront property and computer algorithms can all too easily be programmed to filter data collection to support whatever results the big money wants. It's an industry. It's called "doing the science" .... yeah, it's just like "Bubbles the Stripper does Vegas."
MAYOR NADINE: Did you just come out of a coma? Spokane safety too little too late, like your entire tenure, homelessness, crime, wasted expenses, clean your desk out, welcome Lisa Brown
GREEDY DOG BREEDERS: In follow-up to my post a few weeks ago about the greedy dog breeders in Spokane that have to charge an exorbitant price that the average person cannot buy a purebred dog. In Sunday's classified ad on June 18 I see there were 23 ads for puppies for sale. Out of 23 ads, seven of them did not list a price for their puppies now. Six of them had reasonable new prices for their puppies for sale. The other 10 had prices anywhere from $1,500 to $4,000. Seriously somebody explain to me why you are charging that kind of money for a puppy. It does not cost anywhere near that for maintenance of a puppy from birth until the time you sell it. Give us a break please. We all could use one in this time of overinflated economy.
LOOK AT YOUR VEHICLE REGISTRATION! To all those drivers with only one license plate, you are breaking the law! Washington state RCW 46 16A.200 states all motor vehicles (except motorcycles/mopeds) must display two identical license plates mounted to the vehicle, one on the front and one on the rear (with valid tabs). They must be horizontal and not more than 4 feet from the ground. This is a primary violation and can carry a fine up to $260. Seems like those of you that own more expensive vehicles don't need to follow the rules, especially Tesla drivers! Shame on you!
SHARE THE ROAD: I ride a bike. I wear a helmet. I have bright lights and use hand signals (the ones from the driver's guide that you were supposed to have read) as a courtesy to those around me. Every taxpayer foots the bill for road maintenance. Car tabs and taxes come nowhere close to covering the cost so I ride legally in the street. I approached a northside intersection heading south as you approached the side street heading west. I arrived long before you did, and I was to the right of you so I exercised my right of way (see driver's guide), but that didn't stop you from blaring your horn at me. You then chose to double back for me. You even reversed through an intersection so you could chase, harass and threaten me with your big white SUV. So screw your window. I hope it was expensive, psycho.♦