TRUST D. I saw you, with your new flame. In your new "town." When you start to realize that things are not what they seem, and the details just don't add up, and your questionings render gaslighty deflection, TRUST your intuition. You are not wrong. A snake's a snake; you can't make the snake a toad-ish, kissable Prince. Save yourself the time, energy, heartache, confusion and scary ride. That ride is hell. A whole different kind of hot.

GARLAND MOVIE CHEATER: S.M. I have no other way of reaching you. I know you work at Sally's. That guy you were with is still with his wife, they are still together. I don't know what lies he's telling you but I want you to know the truth.

RE: IN MY DREAMS... Mr. B Initials are CLC. What are my initials? If you are who I think you are would be amazing. But if you're not, I hope you find who you're looking for. Good luck.

STUCKART VS. HILL: I'm a long time Stuckart fan. However the time of business over people is over. If you only support conditional rent control during a housing crisis, that's not enough. It's time for Democrats to be full-throated champions of the working-class. Look where playing nice has gotten us. Working 40+ hours a week, no hope of homeownership, and wealth inequality is out of control. I'll vote for whoever fights harder. Nothing happens without labor; too many laborers have nothing.


KUDOS TO WCCC! Thankful to the kind, caring staff at West Central Community Center. I left my prescription glasses on a table at Cannon Park during Neighbor Day. I thought they were lost forever but went to WCCC three days later to ask if any glasses had been found. To my amazement, David in Facilities & Maintenance said he'd made a sweep of the park after the event & found them. We are so blessed to live in a neighborhood where people care for each other. He also found another item so if you lost something at Neighbor Day, WCCC might have it.

YOU'RE INCREDIBLE: THANK YOU: I misplaced my wallet while floating the little Spokane in the midst of shuttling and chaos of dry bags. I tore my house apart, made my husband and daughter look with 'fresh' eyes. I retraced my steps. My license, three credit cards, checkbook and $281 CASH were all in there. Thank you to the family who returned it me. My son didn't ask any questions. Where did you find it? I want to give you a $100 finders fee. I'll know it's you when you can describe the wallet and know my name.

ADDICTS CAN FIND LOVE AND A WAY OUT: Nine years ago you befriended the stuck up goody two shoes and I needed you then! I did my best to walk you through the program of AA & NA I had found my hope in. We have had struggles, ups and downs, but we are in this together! We have more mountains to climb but we will make it. Love you 12 alligators!

BLOWN-OUT TIRE: Cheers to the couple who stopped when we had the blown out tire off of I-90 Exit 6 in Post Falls, Idaho, on Sunday. Thank you again for the use of your jack and lug wrench. You were a godsend. Cheers!!

GOOD ARREST: When I see police arrest someone in a way that doesn't seem over-the-top, it helps heal a wound of resentment that festers in my heart. Every good interaction with police that I have makes a big difference. There are a lot of negative stories about police because that's what gets media attention. I'm glad the guy realized the game was up and listened to commands and no guns were drawn. It's easy to be influenced by fear of what could happen, but the two police seemed confident, capable, and level-headed.

I LOVE THEM ALL: I love my dog/cat friends no matter what color they are. Think about it.

THANKS FOR JUNE 29: Prayers are being said for the person of integrity who found my handbag on the bus, thus making it possible for me to get it back intact. Prayers also for the STA employees who helped me during this crisis.

IN LOVING MEMORY OF IAN SPENCER: You were the voice in my head that stood up for me. When we met it was our shared appreciation of photography and art that bonded our friendship. Through these last few years you have shown up organically and miraculously when I needed a friend most. Always somehow finding each other without ever planning it made it so much more profound when it did happen, and it happened a lot. You never needed anything from me and always made me feel accepted. I wish I could have let you know how much I appreciated the way you always checked up on me during a very scary time in my life. You were an anchor in those moments, keeping me grounded and affirming my natural value to this world. I will always celebrate your place in my life. You are forever missed and always remembered. With love, Teresa

11400 S SCRIBNER RD: Great cheers to the WSDOT worker who came to my aid on I-90 heading up Sunset Hill when a front tire blew and I was forced to pull off onto the left hand edge of the roadway. He arrived within 6-7 minutes and had the tire changed and me back on the road within 10 minutes, all this with traffic whizzing by at 70 mph a half lane away. And he refused a tip I tried to give him, saying, "This is what you pay taxes for." Very, very much appreciated.


SPOKANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE PAINTING: Cheers to Spokane for the paintings in the middle of the campus. They are bad. The people who are supposed to be represented are really terrible. You can't really tell who they are. I think one is supposed to be Martin Luther King. There are paint spills all over the concrete which looks really bad. But at least it's art. Go look and enjoy the art.

ALLEY AND NEIGHBORHOOD SPEEDERS: We can only hope that someday you have someone or something that you love as much as you love pressing your gas pedal. Maybe if you also lost a loved one to an inconsiderate jerk like yourself, you would have an epiphany. Also the sonic attack you play through the neighborhoods must put a Grinchy smile on your face. Too bad for you that tinnitus and hearing loss are permanent, hearing aids do not restore lost frequencies. Choosing to diminish a primary sense like this only shows off your lack of intelligence and maturity. We hope that you grow up before you are an old, nearly deaf misanthrope.

SPOKANE: New traffic calming measures? How about policeman with ticket books! Speeding, wreckless driving, no tabs, no plates, etc. Let's get the cops out of the cop shops, where there are 5+ cop cars with a closed sign, and utilize our endless form of revenue, TICKETS! There's your safety, fewer deaths, money for our negative funds, etc.! Stop spending our money like u r drunken sailors on shore leave! Ask what do the taxpayers want & need! GIT R DONE!

STOP BEING A JERK: I get it, you are in a hurry. Do me a favor, WALK AROUND ME instead of skulking behind me and huffing like a small child. "You don't look disabled" (and you don't look stupid, but it's okay that both of us were wrong). Just because I'm not wearing shorts to show you where my orthotic is doesn't mean that I suddenly am not disabled. I walk with a visible limp, and yet people feel extremely comfortable almost breathing down my neck getting so close to me. And then have the audacity to glare at me like I'm being the rude one. I can't go any faster, karen. I'd love to, trust me. I'd love to run again, outwalk my peers. But I'm stuck like this, and your dumb little temper tantrum because the "disabled guy" won't get out of your way doesn't help anyone. What do you want me to do, start wearing my disability placard around my neck so you get the point?

DKM DESERVE BETTER! The golden rule of radio is "Less is more." With that in mind... and in light of HOW the best team in local radio history were cast aside, Shame On You KXLY media group. Dave, Ken and Molly deserve better.

WHAT WILL LISA DO? Now the courts have cleared the way, will Lisa continue to hide behind some BS legal nonsense or will she start enforcing Proposition 1 that passed overwhelmingly in Spokane by a vote of the people? My guess is the former. Start holding our elected officials accountable, if she doesn't enforce the will of the people remove her from office. Spokane was once a nice city but anyone who has lived here over a decade can tell you it's in rapid decline because of politicians like Lisa and her ilk on the City Council's "progressive" policies. Beware of the homeless-industrial complex. ♦

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