9 /11 MEMORIAL & MUSEUM: Ricky! You made it back! Your persistence paid off. It seemed like just yesterday you and your CO Crew responded in the aftermath of the Twin Tower attacks. Your courage, grit, and selfless compassion made a difference to so many there who were grieving. Thanks for your work on the park in CO, and for making the trip back to see the silver lining of those clouds. Kudos to your girlfriend for making that happen. She's a rare gem! So thrilled to know you're still at it in CO. I knew you couldn't truly retire! We'll clebrate you in Denver; we'll celebrate you in Golden. The celebration is on us! We will always hold you fast, Vandy. Stay the course!


RE: TRADER JOES TO GUITAR CENTER: So you followed me, then, eh? That's hilarious! I'm sorry we didn't get to actually meet, so I'll do my best for it to maybe happen again. Here's my idea...how about we meet at the Guitar Center on Friday (the 27th) 1:00. If that doesn't work, I'll go back again on Sunday at the same time and place. Hope to see you!

BEST WISHES FROM THE ONE WHO LOST: I know you are a kind, loving, and good man, and I will always cherish the time we shared. You made me feel special in ways I hadn't been able to feel about myself, and for that, I will forever be grateful. That being said, I'm finding it hard to accept your apology when it's paired with accusations and assumptions about my choices. Your words about "random people" feel like judgment, and it hurts to have my self-worth questioned or my actions misconstrued. It wasn't a rejection of you; it was the first time I chose myself and prioritized my healing. It's a step I've needed to take for a long time, and it wasn't easy. Healing is not linear, and I hope you can understand that for both of us. I sincerely wish you the best.


RE X3: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE US TO DO? I'm glad you've found a way to survive without being a burden or bother to others. You must be a man. Ladies have very different needs for hygiene and comfort. "Keepers of the hearth and home." No children or animals should live like that! Where do you "go" when it's 13 below and everything is closed? Men without the skills or will to keep their places orderly and clean have no girlfriends. Men with difficult jobs who find the time to keep their places tidy and hygienic are the ones enjoying companionship and marriage. Their sacrifices of time and effort are not just for themselves, but also friends, family, and guests to share. Women DO notice this! Compassion, empathy, love, and generosity of spirit are all we will take to our next life. We're here to grow and nurture these qualities. Something to contemplate as you eat alone. Maybe you will meet a kindred soul you'd be willing to "put down roots" for. Or you'll just drive off into the sunset with them in your traveling fishbowl. Good luck!

PEOPLE ARE LIKE DOGS AND CATS: Puppies, Coyotes, Wolves, Pappa Bears // Kittens, Tigers, Cougars, Mamma Bears

RE:RE:RE:RE: WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP THE HOMELESS: First of all many thanks to the Inlander for publishing our back and forth conversation between myself and a person living in their car. I love having the opportunity to converse with others on the streets. I'm happy to hear that you, personally, are doing okay financially. I'm sorry to hear that you take your meals alone and I hope you find a friend to share time with. I'm still looking for input from those who are begging for money to finance their living standard. What do you want from me? Is the city helping you with shelter, food and medical care? I really want to know.

BEST GIFT EVER: I gave myself freedom. The most amazing thing about NOT spending the holidays with you, Will, is EVERYTHING! Leaving you has proved freeing, completely. No more of your ragings, manipulations, machinations, trying to prove that "your" scene is the envy of all. Guess what? No. One. Cares. Your need to continue with the grandiosity is something we don't want to hear about, nor see. So glad to be out of that web of lies. For those keeping yourselves in relationships with people who have N. P. D., please recognize they do NOT change. You can stay, only with the "radical acceptance" of that. "It's Not You." The hope for you is the joy, peace, love, goodness, and kindness you will again begin to know when you clearly see the truth. The past few years have been peace-filled, and inordinately blessed with clarity. Merry. Christmas. Happy Holidays. Here's to tomorrow. Here's to those who give goodness to this world. It matters. To those struggling, reach out to your local and national Domestic Violence Hotlines. They are 24/7 helpful. Always.

STA BUS DRIVERS: A few drivers have made the season extra special, I'm not sure if it was the same driver, but a few times they have gotten on the speakers, cracking jokes and spreading cheer trying to pump up the energy. I know it's not an easy job, thank y'all for putting the reason in the season!


LICENSE TABS: Thank you to those many of you in Spokane who don't bother to pay for your license tabs. It gives the rest of us the opportunity to pay for them instead. As I look at the roads around Spokane, I think if only I just paid a little more, these roads might be nicer someday. So, let's all do that. Why don't we all pitch in and pay more so the many people in Spokane who don't pay for their tabs can continue to drive on the roads withouth incurring any cost to themselves? Maybe if we all paid several hundred dollars each year for our tabs, it would help to offset the gap incurred by so many people who don't ever buy them. Just the other day, I was in back of a car who had tabs that expired in 2021. So, there was a loss of revenue for the roads for over three years. So, maybe I can pay that $235 for them to try and offset that cost for them. I'm sure they can't pay it since they have to get gas instead. It was a nice newer car so it didn't look like it would have a lot of repair issues, but fuel is expensive. Let's all pitch in Spokane license tab payers and increase the price we pay so we can offset the cost for all those who just don't pay but continue to drive. Happy Holidays!

STOP ILLEGAL PUPPY SALES!!! Shame on people who sell puppies across from Costco up north! In Spokane County and Spokane City, it is illegal to sell ANY animal in a parking lot. If you witness this, please report them to SCRAPS immediately (509) 477-2532. Some parent had their child holding a puppy today (Dec 23rd) and I watched the child drop the puppy twice! It's such a high traffic area and it's absurd that people think this is appropriate.

YOU'RE THE JOKE: To the old fat white guy with the black baseball cap in the Rosauer's cracker aisle on 12/20, who thought it fit to tell a bad "blonde" joke to the stocker right next to me... And you know what the best joke really is? You, sir. You are the joke. Telling a misogynous "joke" (that wasn't even funny btw) within earshot of a woman is the true sign of a stupid, undeveloped man. My only regret is that I didn't tell you this in person. Signed, an old crone who is fed up with this kind of bullshit.

GREEDY BUSINESS OWNERS: Shame on you that all you could think about was all of the money we lost on Christmas Eve not being open allllll afternoon and evening. You don't think we want to be home with our families too? Do we not deserve that after being the face of your business all year!?

ENFORCING INTELLIGENCE: Seeing broken vehicles, expired tabs, and bad driving behavior on the Spokane roads, I believed this was selfish, oblivious narcissism. After also witnessing drivers who don't turn on their lights in the near-dark, use their windshield wipers in a downpour, or (esp.) don't yield to emergency vehicles that are using their lights, sirens, and horns, I now believe these drivers are not just oblivious, they're plain ignorant. SPD must be painfully aware of this. I have a lot of respect for our officers. Thank them! I would like more traffic enforcement. But all the possible revenue from these scofflaw yahoos will never be worth the life of a single officer, and they can't enforce intelligence, or even common sense apparently. Please drive safely!

NEWSPAPERS: Jeers to newspapers (Spokesman and inlander) wanting to save money and space. Your tiny fonts suck! What's wrong with a 14 font? Oh, it takes more paper! C'mon folks, your readers are getting older. Give us a bigger font! ♦

Mark as Favorite

Woman, Artist, Catalyst: Art from the Permanent Collection @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through March 9
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