COMMUNITY SERVICE: I saw you, in the Very Cold @ 7 a.m. on Thursday January 23rd, pouring coffee for folks on the southeast side of the Maple Street Bridge. Giving, when it makes one physically uncomfortable? Thank you. Coffee recipients and your community thank you.


GIFT FOREVER! Spokane Stained Glass...You made me cry, after fixing my grandmother's dancing lady, with the globe. Nobody in town took care of me like you did, nor wanted to chance it! YOU DID!!!! THANK YOU for the precious gift! You ROCK!!!

TO SWEET DAN AT ALPINE DELICATESSEN: ...who bought us cake, just because he "enjoyed watching us enjoy life." We (six college friends) had been trying to go to the once-every-third-Saturday-of-the-month German breakfast forever, but month after month, we missed it. Finally, we made it to this elusive breakfast during our last semester together at Gonzaga. We were chatting and having a nice, slow breakfast — enjoying the restaurant — when the owner delivered cake to our table, courtesy of Dan! We were all so touched by your kind words and generous (delicious) cake. It can be easy to take all the time we spend together for granted, but you reminded us all how special it is to be able to "enjoy life" here at the end of our time together. Thank you very much, and we will be sure to pay your generosity forward.

TO YOUR COMPASSION JAN. 24: Cheers to the compassionate young man who helped divert traffic around and watch over another man who was experiencing a severe drug reaction on the driveway leading into the Rosauers (near the North Division Y). It was a compassionate response – not making judgments about what got the tripping guy into that mess. He just parked his car with flashing lights to alert traffic, called 911, motioned traffic around him, and watched over the guy until help got there. There are a lot of reasons that people get into trouble, and there are a lot of people who would dish out cruelty and judgment in response (as if they were immune from getting into trouble); but compassion was this young man's admirable and instructive response. Cheers and THANK YOU for doing the right thing.

SOLID WASTE DEPT DELIVERS A SOLID: Cheers to all of Spokane's Solid Waste employees, but especially to the guy that went above and beyond at South Ash and West 14th on 1/24. You saved the day for that homeowner.

LOVE OF MY LIFE: You have been a beacon, guiding me along these dark and wavering days. I just want to say thank you. My redheaded goddess of a woman. We watched a show the other day and a line stuck with me, "Are you my last?" and I can't dream of anything else but spending my life with you. Until then, yours. Always and forever

P-A-M: YAY! We love your mantra: Simplicity is the key to happiness! Of COURSE it is, especially when SO many around you, have done the heavy-lifting of making YOUR life so...simply...happy for you! You didn't climb those mountains; someone carried you up...and to the other side. How 'bout you try hard work and self-respect, beyond the basics of an education and "job" (which are "required" for survival.) The bragging, and righteous posturing don't cut it, amongst those carrying your load. Create your own simple happiness, then "shout about it." We'll listen, "then."


MY "FRIEND"...? You LASHED out at me, presuming my position on that issue! What gives?!? I asked you to clarify, and you couldn't. I asked you to truly help me understand what you were talking about and why you see it that way. You said: "I can't now; I'm just really still upset about the issue." "We can talk about it another time." It's just the case with you, that you don't ever take that time to discuss anything other than super-surface-y concerns. We never get back to discussing those concerns. I ask you, just please know why you believe what you believe. It doesn't matter to me, but it should to you. It also doesn't matter to me that it may differ from what I believe, nor do we have to agree. Maybe you're just interested in the surface-y stuff. That's OK, too. Know thyself.

SREC AND THE CITY: We (taxpayers) pay these people to efficiently and ethically allocate the funds we voted collectively to support our community. We are not getting what we voted for!!! Both parties should hold their heads down in shameful regret for not practicing fiscal responsibility, especially the City of Spokane. SREC has drawn a line in the sand and they should have. It does not take five years to make a decision to move forward and the citizens of Cheney, Liberty Lake, Deer Park, Spokane Valley, Medical Lake plus the rest of unincorporated areas should not be held responsible for the city's inability to spend our tax contributions ethically or responsibly. Mayor Brown can fix this! SREC and all the areas mentioned above including City of Spokane Fire Department have already done the research, and there is absolutely no logical reason to duplicate services and acquire the technology and staff to support 911 and crime check. Technology such as computer aided dispatch and a radio system equaling tens of millions of tax dollars spent. The disregard for the trust the taxpayers have extended to the leaders of the communities within the County of Spokane is disgusting and should no longer be tolerated. - Disgusted Taxpayer, and I'm certain I'm not the only one

OVERGROWN HALL MONITOR: Very inexpensive? Why don't you take that silver spoon and shove it. I remember voting for inexpensive tabs, but that didn't happen. The people spoke loud and clear, and the state gave us the finger. I admit, I resorted to name calling, Karen is in fact a name. I didn't say idiot Karen, incompetent Karen, dumb Karen or loser Karen. When someone calls law enforcement to tattle on someone in hopes of punishing them for being broke it is a waste of taxpayer money and resources. Thank you for being the bad example I need to teach my children what NOT to be.

RE: REGISTER THIS: Anyone living in Spokane who doesn't have legal license tabs shouldn't be driving. If you don't want to obey the law, stop driving on city streets. Spokane: Near Nature. Near lots and lots of cheap scum bags.

RE: RE: TV PROPAGANDA: The lack of consideration arises when they choose to compete against biological females, who have likely spent their entire lives training, only to have their achievements taken away by someone winning first place that has a clear biological advantage. That being said, I don't believe this was done out of malice, and have no ill feelings towards this person. My critique is directed at the news station that exploited a young person with gender dysphoria, a condition recognized in the DSM-5 for the sake of a story. I am approaching this situation pragmatically and will avoid ad hominem attacks to defend my position. I am simply addressing reality on realities terms.

RE: REGISTER THIS: I say WOW...why do you think you are so special not to follow the law. I don't like it either but ... Karen...I do it because it is the right thing to...it's about character and apparently you have none

PANERA DRIVE-THROUGH CAR: To the dumbass in the (north side) Panera drive through on Sat 1/18 around 5pm: A DRIVE THROUGH IS NOT A F---ING PARKING LOT. After you order, PULL UP TO THE F---ING PICK UP WINDOW. When I got in the line, you were literally just sitting at the order window in silence. Also, bonus tip: after you pick up your order, F---ING GET OUT OF THE DRIVE THROUGH!! You literally just sat at the end of the drive through lane FOR-F---ING-EVER while cars behind you were trying to drive out and move on with their night.

HUH? WHAT'D YA SAY...? A great big fat jeer to EWU. I've been a men's basketball season ticket holder for years. In that time it seems the volume in the area has consistently increased and is now at a level that is very uncomfortable and disrupts even loud close conversations. Frankly, I get a headache. Other seat holders have alerted the AD to their discomfort. Last game I activated my Decibel X app and observed the range from a constant 86 to 87 decibels with peaks at 100.7. Literature on noise levels state "sounds at or above 85 dBA can cause hearing loss." One older patron has taken to wearing noise canceling headphones. Read the room: it's us older folks and alumni who pay the bills. It is hard to enjoy the game when it's an uncomfortable environment. ♦

Mark as Favorite

Kristin Robbins: Painted Frames @ Entropy

Through Feb. 28, 11 a.m.-6 p.m.
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