Amidst a backdrop of rising temperatures and lengthening days, the ground opens up, allowing new growth to ascend. Meanwhile, all around the Northern Hemisphere, baby creatures are breathing in life for the first time. This is the season of new beginnings.
Traditionally, January 1, the start of the calendar year, is a popular time in our culture to start over or make changes. New Year's resolutions, however, are often thought to be short-lived. For some, it may not be a good time to burst forth with the energy needed to initiate. It's dark and cold. Many of our animal friends are deep in winter's slumber.
This is the season for our hearts and souls to open wide. The plans we bring forth are an expression of our hopes and dreams. This is also in contrast to January's resolutions, which can lean toward obligatory goals. "I must lose my holiday weight," or "I've got to get back to the gym." Though vernal goals may be similar, the intention and spirit are hope-inspired rather than guilt-laden: "I want to maintain a healthy weight to feel lighter when I dance, and when I play with my daughter."
What is stirring inside you, waiting to come alive? Take a leap! Dive in! Do it now!