by Inlander Staff

Shout Out -- Let's give it up for our area university presses, shall we? This just in from the WSU News Service: Two WSU Press titles made it onto the "Best of the Best of the University Presses: Books You Should Know About" list. Captured Honor, by Bob Wodnik, is the harrowing story of what he and other American prisoners of war experienced after being captured by the Japanese during World War II. The Oil Prince, an "action-packed western set in 1860s Arizona," is a translation of the original version written by popular German writer Karl May. The list, selected by members of the Public Library Association, the American Library Association and the American Association of School Libraries, consists of only 21 titles selected from more than 500 university press titles. WSU Press will receive the awards at the upcoming ALA Conference on June 26. Congratulations!

Posthumous Hitchhiking -- When Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy creator Douglas Adams died suddenly three years ago, that seemed to spell the end for the wacky sci-fi comedy franchise. No more would Adams muse on the answer to life, the universe and everything (which happens to be 42, by the way). But now, in true HGG spirit, the author rises again - he'll play the part of Agrajag, an unfortunate being who is repeatedly killed and reincarnated, in a new radio adaptation of the last three books in his five-volume HGG "trilogy." Adams recorded the part at his home studio before his death in 2001; now, producers will digitally incorporate his voice in the new 14-part series. Five actors from the original 1978 series will return when the new show debuts this fall on BBC Four.

Ironpeople Hit the Road -- At 7 am on Saturday, hundreds of competitors will plunge into Lake CdA at the start of the second annual Ironman Coeur d'Alene Triathlon. They'll swim two laps of a triangular 1.2-mile course, then make a transition in City Park before taking off on a two-loop, 112-mile bike journey that takes them from CdA Lake Drive to the west end of Post Falls and back - and back again. (The best place to view the bike leg of this Ironman is in Post Falls; a shuttle bus will return you to the start/finish area near the CdA Resort.) The 26.2-mile marathon, also a two-loop course, hugs the lakeshore from CdA Lake Drive to the NIC campus; the finish along Sherman Avenue is the best vantage point for the run. Athletes will be finishing anytime from 3:30 pm until midnight.

Bridging the GAP -- Congratulations to recent Artist Trust GAP grant recipients Natalie Kusz (literary arts) and Bernadette Vielbig (visual arts)!

Publication date: 06/24/04

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Justin Willman @ The Fox Theater

Sat., March 8, 7 p.m.
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