Crazy Love & r & & r & by TAMMY MARSHALL & r & & r & & lt;span class= "dropcap " & W & lt;/span & hy is watching a train wreck so fascinating? There must be a reason. Why else do the paparazzi make so much dough off of photos of Britney Spears? Must be kind of like watching a relationship between two people that is so crazy, so messed up, so disgusting to watch that it is just... riveting.
Meet Burt and Linda Pugach. They've been married for around 35 years. Like most couples, they've had upsets and good times. Rumors of adultery, arguments, name calling are just a few examples of their style of romance.
Back up to 1959 when Burt and Linda first meet. Burt's a highly successful lawyer in Hollywood and Linda's a young beauty that Burt sees one day while driving one of his baby blue convertibles. He's smitten with her. He asks her out and reluctantly she accepts. Their courtship is one big wild ride. They go flying. They paint the town red. He showers her with presents. They have what Linda describes as a good time together. That is until she finds out that he's still married.
It's when Linda decides to end the relationship that things turn weird. Burt won't leave her alone. He calls her all the time and sends flowers. Finally one day he becomes desperate and, according to him, reluctantly hires someone to throw lye in her face.
Things continue to get weirder. He goes to jail for more than a decade for the crime and, after he gets out, he goes on national television and asks Linda, now blind, to marry him. She accepts.
It's the kind of love story that could only happen in Hollywood. The thing is that this really did happen. The documentary film Crazy Love chronicles their relationship.
Burt gets caught in lie after lie. He claims he just hired someone to beat her up and not to maim her. By this point he's told so many lies, only the devoted Linda still believes him.
While this crazy relationship is genuinely disturbing, it's kind of like a car wreck where you have to slow down to get a glimpse. Their story is too interesting and just way too weird not to watch.