& & The KXLY/Inlander Poll & & & &
& & Consider the following statement: "Within the last five years, Spokane has mostly been headed in the right direction." Would you: & &
Strongly agree: 11%
Mildly agree: 41%
Neither agree or disagree: 12%
Mildly disagree: 21%
Strongly disagree: 12%
Don't know: 4%
& & Inside the numbers & &
Despite being critical of local government, the majority thinks Spokane is headed in the right direction. The fact that 52 percent of the residents of Spokane County believe the area is headed in the right direction appears not to compute with the low approval ratings given to local government, until you look a little closer. It turns out that the most politically apathetic in the community - including the young (18-34), less educated (with a high school degree or less) and less affluent (making $35,000 a year or less) - are also the most optimistic about the community's direction over the past five years. Meanwhile, those who are most tuned in politically - including older people (55 and older), better educated (with a four-year degree or higher) and more affluent (making $50,000 a year or more) - tend to be less optimistic about where the community has been headed in the past five years. Additionally, political independents and members of third parties are less optimistic, while women are more optimistic about where things have been headed in the past five years.
The statistics in this section are based on the results of a major community survey conducted by Strategic Research Associates of Spokane between July 15 and Aug. 3, 2000. SRA polled 450 Spokane County residents 18 and older who have lived in the county for three months or more. The sample was also weighted to match the county's demographical makeup by age, by gender and by city and non-city residents. The results of this 112-question survey offer a margin of error of & plusmn;4.6 percent.
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