by Inlander Staff

Won't They Just Print More? -- World Ahead Publishing, known for Thank You, President Bush, a series of essays supporting the president, is pushing for a buyback program to keep a dangerous weapon off the streets of America: Fahrenheit 9/11. The DVD version of Michael Moore's documentary goes on sale on Oct. 5, and by buying it back, World Ahead hopes to keep "Americans from harm, especially young children who might accidentally slip this dangerous propaganda into the living room DVD player." In return for your bought-back DVD, World Ahead will send you a copy of its book, "with no questions asked."

Sob Story -- Politics can be so mean. Sometimes it makes little girls cry. In fact, that's just what happened last week to a cute little girl in West Virginia, whose "Bush-Cheney" sign was ripped up by Democratic meanies. Or at least that's the story, as reprinted with a photo in newspapers across the country last week -- including the Spokesman-Review.

How weird would it be if the exact same thing happened to the same family in three consecutive presidential elections? That's what the Charleston Daily Mail shows to be the case with Phil Parlock, a Barboursville, W.V., resident. In August 1996, he claimed to have been knocked to the ground by a Clinton supporter when he held up a "Remember Vince Foster" sign at a rally. The anecdote was picked up by wire reports across the country. In October 2000, Parlock told the Daily Mail that he was "practically" attacked at a Gore rally he attended. Now he has upped the ante, getting his three-year-old daughter into the act. But the weirdest thing is the meanie in the picture who ripped up her sign -- complete with a pro-union T-shirt (nice touch) -- bears a striking resemblance to Parlock's son, Phil Jr. What are the chances?

No Favoritism? -- President Bush has denied that he got a National Guard spot due to his family connections. The White House has argued that no favoritism was ever doled out by the Texas Guard, and that Bush just got lucky to jump ahead of others on the waiting list for the unit. But the stories seem to change over time. As the Los Angeles Times reported back in 1988, when George H. W. Bush was running against Michael Dukakis, Bush campaign official John Sununu charged -- on national television -- that Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, Dukakis' running mate, was able to use his position to get his own son into the Texas National Guard. In fact, Bentsen's son did serve in that unit at the same time as George W. Bush.

Publication date: 09/23/04

21st Annual Spokane River Clean-up @ High Bridge Park

Sat., Sept. 14, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
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