The way that retailers have displayed their cannabis product since stores opened three years ago varies greatly. Some places just had a menu and the product in a back room. Others had it on display akin to a jewelry shop. Still others had it all hanging behind the counter.
Now, more cannabis retailers have added a cooler to their stores, as drinkable cannabis products continue to gain in popularity in Washington. There are a number of cannabis-infused drinks available around the Inland Northwest; here's a rundown of a few in our market.
This sparkly tonic, one of the first cannabis beverages to pop up on the market, made a literal boom in the industry when some of the early batches resulted in bottles popping open by themselves. Made by Mirth Provisions (, Legal has honed their craft (no more exploding bottles) and comes in 11.5-ounce bottles. There are five different flavors made with different strain types: Rainier cherry (hybrid), cranberry (high in CBD), coffee mocha (sativa), pomegranate (sativa) and lemon ginger (indica).
Remember those Bartles & Jaymes wine coolers from the early '90s? These four-packs of bottles might look similar, but the high is much different. Many of Cannabis Quencher's 10 sparkling flavors are high-powered beverages, with one weighing in at 200 mg. FYI: That will make you very, very high. More at
This company ( was in the medical marijuana game before recreational weed became legal. Though based in Colorado, Mad Hatter's coffees, teas and other beverages are now making their way into the Washington market. Most of these contain about 20 mg of THC.
If you want to customize your cannabis-infused beverage, you can do that easily with any number of tincture drops, available in most stores. But if you want to focus on taste, Seattle's Craft Elixirs can help you make your own stoney drinks that are more delicious than dank. Craft offers a dozen flavored elixirs, ranging from several chocolate concoctions to loganberry, ginger, strawberry and other sweeter tastes. Most of these are about 10 mg THC per serving, and there are about six servings per bottle. Craft's website ( has recommended recipes for each particular product. ♦