NATION: President Donald Trump said on Monday that the White House is
trying to uncover the the identity of the whistleblower whose complaints prompted an impeachment inquiry. The whistleblower's lawyer, however, cites safety concerns given that the president has compared him to a spy.
NEWS: End the Violence, a documentary intended to raise awareness of domestic violence issues, aired on local TV last night.
More asks for 'help'
President Trump pushed the Australian prime minister during a recent phone call to assist Attorney General William Barr on a U.S. Department of Justice initiative to investigate — and ultimately discredit — the Mueller investigation. The call was restricted in a similar way to Trump's call with the Ukrainian president, which prompted House Democrats' impeachment inquiry. (
New York Times)
Barr was making calls, too
Attorney General William has personally been meeting with foreign intelligence officials in an effort to obtain their assistance in a U.S. Department of Justice investigation into American intelligence agencies examination of potential connections between Russia and the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. (
Washington Post)
State violence
Police shot a teenage protestor in Hong Kong, hitting him in his shoulder. The application of lethal force came as the Chinese national government held a military parade in Beijing to celebrate 70 years of Communist control. (
New York Times)
Homeless youth
A new survey found that there were about 3,300 homeless youth in Spokane County during the 2017-18 school year. Roughly 78 percent were "doubled-up" at another home, 4 percent were in hotels and motels, 12 percent were in shelters and 6 percent were unsheltered. (
Chaotic police stand-off
The 76 gas station on the corner of Second Avenue and Walnut Street was engulfed in flames last night as police used tear gas and flash-bang grenades to get an armed man barricaded inside to surrender. The stand-off, which lasted five hours, stemmed from a traffic stop where the suspect pointed a handgun at a trooper. He reportedly told the trooper that he was "not going back to jail." He has since been arrested. (