Picky eaters can put Meg Ryan's character on When Harry Met Sally to shame — everything "on the side," only raw food, nothing with any spices in it. You get the picture: They're picky! Indulge them, help them work through their food issues and save yourself the struggle with these gift suggestions.
While we can't help with picky eaters who only consume white things — bread, pasta, potatoes — if the food-fussy on your list leans towards foods of a certain color, try tinted lenses, which are actually designed to address mood issues. Viewing the world through orange lenses, for example, helps promote increased social confidence and joy. Or, if you're at your wits' end getting someone to try different foods, maybe you should get the green lenses, which engender feelings of harmony and love. $15 • glofx.com/wholesale-color-therapy-glasses
Sometimes it's not the food itself, but rather what it touches. Make every meal special and help your eater organize his or her plate with a durable, pretty bento box, typically used in Japanese cuisine and with five compartments including one for sauce. $17 (special order) • Bargreen-Ellingson • 223 W. Boone
Take some of the guesswork out of cooking for a picky eater by... not cooking. Instead, help them learn how to cook for themselves. Not only will they feel more in control of their tummies, they might just discover a new hobby or even a future career. $25 and up • Young Chefs Academy • 293 W. Prairie Shopping Center, Hayden
Studies show that it takes time and repeated exposure for the food-averse eater to accept certain food textures, flavors, etc. In the meantime, you're going to need a place to put all that excess food, like the Miracle-Gro Tumbling Composter. Like the cooking lessons, this gift might encourage your picky eater to explore a new pastime, too. $65 • Miller's Hardware • 2908 E. 29th Ave. ♦