WSU announces major budget cuts, Trump's refugee ban ends, morning headlines


NEWS: The Kootenai County GOP will introduce a new resolution at tonight's meeting calling for the United States to stop waging war in Yemen.

NEWS: When it comes to the cities or regions making a bid for Amazon's second headquarters, it's probably easier to note which ones aren't falling over themselves to woo the online-sales behemoth. (via New York Times)


click to enlarge WSU announces major budget cuts, Trump's refugee ban ends, morning headlines
Ryan Pugh
Facing a $30 million deficit, WSU President Kirk Schulz announced difficult cuts to the university budget yesterday.
Crimson-and-gray in the red
Washington State University, in an effort to chip away at its $30 million budget deficit, announced cuts yesterday that are sure to ripple throughout the university. WSU's performing arts program will be entirely wiped out. (Spokesman-Review)

Bad taste
A political action committee ironically named Spokane For Honest Government is spreading lies about Spokane City Council District 3 candidate Matthew Howes. who owns Adelo's Pizza. Mailers sent out by the committee claim that restaurants where Howes was in charge violated health codes; the claim has been disputed by the Spokane Regional Health District. (Spokesman-Review)

Hiker finds body
A hiker at Riverside State Park found a body Monday afternoon, near the Bowl and Pitcher, prompting a Spokane Police Department investigation. Officials are releasing little information, and won't reveal the dead person's gender. (KREM)

Guber eats
Gov. Jay Inslee's office was evacuated yesterday after a woman dropped off a suitcase and said, "This is for the governor," and ran out. It turns out she only wanted to give the governor some dry noodles. (Seattle Times)

Extreme vetting

President Trump's four-month ban on refugees ends today, but tougher screening procedures for those seeking refuge in the U.S. are on the way. (Associated Press)