Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Solar Roadways named 2010 awards finalist

Posted on Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 12:46 PM

Back in August we wrote a news brief about Solar Roadways, a company based in Sagle, Idaho, that had the big idea to pave the nation's roads not with asphalt and concrete but with grids of highly engineered solar panels. The things would be "painted" with lights to separate lines of traffic, or to display messages. They could sense wildlife crossing. They could even heat up to melt snow and ice.

Then, the company had just been given a $100,000 grant by the Department of Transportation to develop a working prototype. Now, that prototype is complete.

Roadways head Scott Brusaw sent us a link with pictures of what they're working with.

Here's a closeup of an individual electronics module within the grid:

---Here's a wider shot of one whole panel:

And here's what these suckers can do:

Or even this: 

Brusaw says the company has also been named one of five finalists in TechInsight's EE Times Sixth Annual Creativity in Electronics Awards, in the Most Promising Renewable Energy Award category. The company is also still angling for a second-phase grant of $750,000 from the DOT.

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