Friday, May 21, 2010

MORNING HEADLINES: Shooting Avista; 'Crazy' for Congress; will forensics solve the Priest Lake bones mystery?

Posted on Fri, May 21, 2010 at 8:41 AM

Red-light camera: Extreeeeeme closeup! A man who told police he was sleepy from long work hours drives a truck right into one of the city's newest red-light cameras downtown. (KXLY)

 "It's people like you who cause people like me to snap..." Coeur d'Alene man detained in Avista threat tells his side. (CdA Press)

Harley D. Brown: "Congress needs someone crazy" And if you agree, vote for him, Brown says. (Boise Weekly)

EPA gives thumbs-up to Spokane River cleanup plan It's taken 12 years to get this far. Idaho dischargers are still considering a suit. (CdA Press)

Mystery at the bottom of Priest Lake. Bonner County authorities seek identity of "fragile" bones recovered from deep water (Bonner County Daily Bee). Here's a story about finding the bones (SR).  At least two families, a Spokane man (KREM) and a Spangle woman (KXLY) hope the find brings closure.

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