Thursday, June 24, 2010

Send weird pictures, win free tickets

Posted on Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:26 PM

Hey have you seen our "Seen in Spokane" posts? They're quick photo snapshots of weird crap we've seen around town — and it's something we'd love to have readers help with. So to kick it off, we're giving away some free tickets: 

Send us a weird or funny picture you've taken lately in Spokane (tell us where you took it and when) and we'll give you some free tickets (provided we choose your photo). Could be of Marmots congregating to hear street musicians, could be an incriminating photo of cops beating somebody up. Fun stuff like that.

You've got a couple of tickets to choose from:

* Tickets to tonight's final B Radicals Residency show at the Seaside.

* Tickets to tomorrow's Inlander-sponsored "Pre-Funk" dance party at the Lincoln Center.

Send 'em to joels [at] inlander [dot] com. Quickly.

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