Friday, July 9, 2010
Baby for sale Three months after a bored North Idaho teen offered a four-year-old boy on craigslist, Spokane police are investigating a father who offered to sell his six-month-old baby on the site. (KXLY)
Scarywood about to get scarier Investors have put $1 million into amping up the fright at the amusement park this Halloween season. (SR)
Rossi... Rossi... Dino Rossi and (a rather plump) Ben Stein ran into each other at the Spokane Airport yesterday. Naturally, pictures were taken. And campaign checks were signed. (NW Digest)
Authorities destroy map holders A pipe bomb scare evacuated eight homes in Airway Heights yesterday, but the suspicious objects were just surveyors' map holders. (KREM)
That'll do, pigs Faulty gate hinge helps pigs escape twice in Post Falls. (Yes, this is a real news story.) (CdA Press)
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