Sunday, July 11, 2010
"We wanted to roar to the high heavens" Hundreds of motorcyclists gather to pay homage to fallen Spokane Valley Marine Josh Dumaw. (KXLY)
Ciclovia, Spokane style Organizers estimate 1,500 people sauntered up and down Howard Street Sunday when it was closed to cars for the city's first Summer Parkways event. (SR)
Barefoot Bandit runs no more His own celebrity was the downfall for Colton Harris-Moore as Bahamian police followed tips to arrest him after a boat chase. Many of Harris-Moore's 60,000 Facebook fans signaled "dislike." (KREM)
Royal Horse to 'do their duty' Horses of the King's Troop will be pooping for queen and country as the Ministry of Defence plans to convert manure and straw bedding into sustainable biofuel pellets to power its new headquarters and reduce the royal carbon footprint. (BBC)
You mean it's NOT the war on terrier? Iraqis have been waging a war on dogs, killing 58,000 feral mutts in Baghdad. (AP)
Tags: morning headlines , News