Monday, April 11, 2011
Halfway there — The Washington legislative House passed its two-year budget for the state, which includes $4.4 billion in cuts and a ton of heartburn for higher education, among other things. Now, it's the Senate's turn. (AP)
The mussels are coming! The mussels are coming! — Boat inspections have begun for zebra mussels, the little critters that are attempting to take over the world. (KXLY)
South Hill gets louder — With construction at Spokane International Airport, landing aircraft will be diverted over Spokane's South Hill. (KREM)
I'll see your cuts, and I raise (taxes) — On the heels of a major budget battle, President Obama will unveil a plan to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans this week. (Daily Beast)
Tags: morning headlines , News