Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Ah, those country values — Irate neighbors launch a bitter fight to prevent Kootenai County couple from using farm as event center. (SR)
Overtime pay — Special session of the Washington Legislature is costing taxpayers extra pay for the lawmakers ... as they try to wrestle down the budget. (KXLY)
Ugly murder — Prosecutor calls body "unrecognizable," won't release ID (KREM) But co-workers at a local mill say they know who he is. (CdA Press)
Iran releases former P-I reporter — Dorothy Parvaz was detained incommunicado for three weeks after landing in Syria on assignment. She was later transported to Iran. (Seattle Times)
Bonus health link: Drink up! — Have another cuppa joe, buddy. The more coffee men drink, the less likely they get the most-lethal form of prostate cancer. (BBC)
Tags: morning headlines , News